

Structured STEM Learning for K12 Schools


Innovation is the critical driver of progress and success, and there is perhaps no better way to foster innovation than through STEM education. STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education teaches students the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in computer science, medicine, engineering, and beyond. However, more than teaching these subjects in a vacuum is required. Structured learning is crucial to ensure that students can fully engage with and apply what they learn. That’s where Inventionland®Education’s innovation course comes in.

STEM innovation curriculum

Inventionland®Education provides an applied STEM innovation curriculum for K12 schools. Their innovation course actively engages students in how to think creatively and solve problems using STEM concepts. The course provides a fundamental structure for teaching applied STEM. Using an industry-proven 9-step inventing method, students work in small groups to invent or innovate their own products. Each step requires students to work collaboratively and apply their STEM knowledge to real-world inventions.9-step method

One of the key benefits of the innovation course is its focus on structure. The challenges are purposefully designed to guide students through the engaging invention process, from defining a problem to prototyping and testing solutions. This structure helps students develop a systematic approach to problem-solving, which is a valuable skill in any field. Following a clear and structured process, students learn to break down complex problems into manageable steps, identify and evaluate potential solutions, and iterate until they arrive at an optimal solution.

Another benefit of the innovation course is its emphasis on student-driven collaboration. Inventionland®Education recognizes that innovation is rarely a solitary pursuit. Instead, it often requires teamwork and diverse perspectives. Therefore, the course structure is designed to encourage students to work together and share their ideas. This collaboration helps students develop their interpersonal skills and exposes them to a broader range of ideas and approaches.

STEM innovation curriculum

The innovation course also helps students develop critical applied STEM skills. For example, students learn about engineering, packaging, storytelling, presentations, and more by completing the nine-step method. These skills are valuable in and of themselves and provide a foundation for future learning and exploration.

Perhaps most importantly, the innovation course helps students develop a growth mindset. Inventionland®Education believes that anyone can be an innovator, regardless of their background or innate abilities. The course encourages students to embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and improve. Students develop the resilience and perseverance needed to succeed in any field by taking risks and persevering through challenges. The course culminates in a presentation to a group of panelists. It has been called a science fair on steroids.

Inventionland®Education’s innovation course provides a structured, collaborative, and engaging way to teach STEM concepts in the classroom. By guiding students through the invention process, fostering collaboration and teamwork, developing technical skills, and promoting a growth mindset, the course helps prepare students for success in any field.

As the world continues to innovate rapidly, providing students with the tools and skills they need to succeed is more important than ever. The innovation course is an excellent way to do just that.