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Teacher Feature: Meghan Hull, Berkshire Junior/Senior High School


Meghan Hull began her teaching career 15 years ago, but, like any seasoned pro, knows that she constantly has to change what and how she teaches in order to meet the needs of her students. Berkshire School District implemented Inventionland®Education’s curriculum for the 2018-2019 school year and she is helping both students and teachers adapt to the new technology in its inaugural year.

Inventionland®Education (ILI): This is your first time using the ILI curriculum, how’s it going so far?

Meghan Hull (MH): Yes, it is. My primary role is to facilitate the use of technology and help students and staff to feel comfortable using the makerspace equipment involved in the curriculum. I am also learning to use the technology as I go, so it has definitely been a learning and growth experience.

ILI: What do you find most interesting about the Inventionland®Education curriculum?

MH: I like that it is cross-curricular and that it focuses on students learning as they create their own products.

ILI: What inspired you to start teaching?

MH: Honestly, I was first inspired by my love of literature to become an English teacher and I also had a background in Journalism. As I became more comfortable as a teacher, I naturally fell into project-based learning with a focus on technology. My English classes did large multigenre research projects in which they created a variety of products and a presentation and my journalism students created a new issue of the school publication monthly. They created videos and skits, newscasts and multimedia projects and graphic novels. I’ve always been a creator at heart, albeit more on the artsy than the technology side.

ILI: We’re a few months into the school year, what do you do to keep in contact with parents?

MH: I do a bit less of that than a classroom teacher, however, I have a website and a Twitter feed. My journalism students use Remind and Classroom.

ILI: What’s the best advice you can give to teachers who are trying a new curriculum?

MH: Give yourself room to learn and fail. Do not be afraid to be a learner yourself.

ILI: Most memorable experience about the ILI curriculum so far?

MH: Watching kids get creative and excited about what they create.

ILI: Do you run any extracurricular activities or clubs?

MH: I am the Newspaper Advisor and Senior Shadow/Service Project Coordinator and I organize and lead the school trips to Europe.

ILI: Tell us about yourself: Where did you go to school? Any hobbies you’d like to share?

MH: I am an alumna of the high school at which I currently teach with a bachelors in English and a Masters in Literacy who jumped head first into technology by just trying it and then running with it. I do amateur graphic design for small businesses on the side and am busy raising two bright and lovely daughters who also go to this school. I love reading, writing, food, film, and travel.

ILI: What does 21st Century Education mean to you?

MH: 21st Century Education means that students are taught to think critically to solve problems, but that they are also taught to be collaborators who can communicate clearly and effectively and work effectively with diverse groups of people. They are encouraged to think creatively to be innovators and educated citizens of their global community.