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Teachers Tell Us What Inspires Them


At Inventionland®Education, we recognize all of the hard work educators do both in and out of the classroom. From creating steam lesson plans that keep students engaged to grading papers to mentoring and coaching to managing IEPs and making phone calls home…not to mention running extracurricular activities and buying supplies for their classroom. It’s a daunting list of responsibilities which essentially shapes our future leaders of the world. The devotion teachers put into their work is inspiring, and we know that without them, we wouldn’t writing this article to begin with, so there’s a fundamental level of thanks that we all have for educators. But what are THEY thankful for? We reached out to teachers across the country and asked them that very question.  Here are some of their responses:

“I’m thankful for having an administration that supports risk-taking and for students who aren’t afraid to try new things.” –Heather J., English/Language Arts, Grades 9-12, Bellevue, WA

“I am thankful to work in a classroom where students’ parents are highly involved.”  –Corrin M., pre-K, New Orleans, LA

“I am thankful for knowing during the school day my kids are loved, have fun and are able to be themselves. I am thankful I am able to make a difference in their lives.” –Jessica A., Special Education Math, Grades 9-12, Penninsula, OH

“I am thankful for the MANY people (family, friends, colleagues, educational partners) that support my ambitions and share my vision to remake learning!” –Mandy F., Instructional Designer, Burgettstown, PA

“I am thankful that every day I get to change lives. I am thankful for the ‘ah-ha!’ moments with my students when I see it all come together. And I’m grateful for free coffee in the teachers’ lounge.” –Christopher W., Algebra and Geometry, Grades 9-12, Winston-Salem, NC

“This year, I am grateful for my loving husband, caring family, loyal friends, supportive colleagues, and dedicated teachers and educators who devote their lives and talents to nurturing the curious minds of children.” –Alyssa M., STEM Project Coordinator, Pittsburgh, PA

“I am thankful for a grade level team that supports each other both in and out of school. In addition, students who challenge me daily and somehow still find a way to make me smile.” –Jolie B., 4th Grade, Hendersonville, TN

“I am grateful to teach ESL and ELA to students how have emigrated from countries such as Nepal, Yemen, Iraq, China, the Philippines, and Mexico! It is my great privilege to witness the growth of their English-language proficiency and to share the cultural exchanges that happen naturally in the classroom.” –Melody B., ESL/ELA, Grades 9-12, Cuyahoga Falls, OH

“I am thankful for my teaching team. We collaborate on big projects and our students get a chance to see teamwork in action.” –Shannon J., 6th Grade, Tempe, AZ

“I’m grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the foundation that shapes a student and their school experience. I’m also grateful to all of the parents who trust me with their children.” –Erin B., Intervention Specialist, Grades 3-5, Westerville, OH