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sixth-grade contestants

Seneca Valley Students

This past month, fourth and sixth grade student inventors showcased their inventive creations at Inventionland®in Pittsburgh.

Seneca Valley Students

The sixth-grade innovation team winners visited Inventionland®for the Seneca Valley School District Invention Contests! Five teams of innovators presented their pitch to the judges and three of those teams were chosen to move on to the regional competition in May.

Seneca Valley Students

Congratulations to the TEPM Team on their first-place win. Participants included Ellie Edmisten, Charlotte Riggle and Madison Tomaszewski. This team innovated a reusable stick-on thermometer for disposable hot drink cups. It would allow customers to determine the temperature of the drink before drinking it. Not too hot, not too cold, just right!

Seneca Valley StudentsCongratulations to the second-place team, Fab Tabs, with members: Myra Kantz, Taylor Sevin and Madeline Watson. This team innovated toothpaste tablets that dissolve in warm water so you can brush your teeth with less mess!

Congratulations to the third-place team, CMG Company. Members include Nathan Leslie, Amelia Cummings, Alex Verenna and Ella Jacisin. The team innovated heat-resistant and waterproof gloves for mechanics who work on hot engines and other professionals in similar fields.

Good luck at regionals!

fourth-grade contestants

Ehrman Crest ElementaryEhrman Crest Elementary (ECE) fourth grade Creativity, Innovation and Research Center (CIRC) Tank winners also visited Inventionland®to present their amazing inventions.

The leading team, the Mighty Tie-Dye Tigers, invented an app-controlled, automatic fish feeder for on-the-go families.

The second-place team, Rise and Design (RAD), combined the technology behind the scissor lift with a personal stool to use in libraries, homes and schools to lift users safely to higher shelves.

The third-place title ended in a tie between the inventions Lego Vacuum, a machine that sorts Legos as it cleans, and a Trash Hoop that could be purchased to attach to trash cans to combat littering and make throwing away trash more enjoyable. The Trash Hoop would keep score of how many people made a basket, helping to save the planet!

Other inventions included an off-road wheelchair, a self-watering ‘smart’ plant pot and more.

Congratulations to all the participants who presented their projects proudly!