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Senators Introduce Bipartisan Resolution to Establish November 8th as National STEM Day


In a significant move for the United States, Senators Jacky Rosen and Shelley Moore Capito introduced a bipartisan resolution that formalizes November 8th as “National Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Day.” This proclamation aims to celebrate and underline the pivotal role of STEM education in our nation while emphasizing the pressing need to strengthen and diversify the STEM workforce. Additionally, it coincides with the second anniversary of the launch of the Senate’s inaugural Women in STEM Caucus, a bipartisan effort dedicated to advancing women’s participation in STEM education and careers.

Eric Stoudnor, Teacher

The importance of this resolution cannot be understated. STEM fields are the epicenters of the most sought-after jobs today and in the future. These sectors are crucial to our economy and the growth of our states and nation. Senator Capito aptly stated, “STEM fields are where the in-demand jobs are right now, and it’s where they will be in the future.” Hence, celebrating National STEM Day on November 8th inspires the upcoming generation to engage with STEM actively.

STEM Day picture

“Inventionland Education is a proud member of the STEM Education Coalition and actively works towards advancing STEM initiatives.”

Senator Rosen, a former computer programmer, knows firsthand how pivotal STEM education is for the jobs of the future. She said, “This bipartisan resolution recognizes November 8th as National STEM Day to celebrate STEM education and encourage more students to pursue careers in these fields.” It’s a monumental step towards fostering an environment where young minds are encouraged to explore the vast opportunities within the STEM landscape.

innovation mindsetThe STEM Education Coalition’s Executive Director, James Brown, recognizes Senator Rosen’s unwavering commitment to STEM education. He remarked, “Highlighting the important role that STEM fields play in our economy and in the prosperous future lives of our nation’s youth is deserving of a well-earned day of recognition.”

Inventionland Education is a proud member of the STEM Education Coalition and actively works towards advancing STEM initiatives.

STEM Day picture

This groundbreaking resolution enjoys widespread support from organizations such as the Society of Women Engineers, the Afterschool Alliance, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the Center for Excellence in Education, the Association for Women in Science,, and The American Mathematical Society. Moreover, Senator Tina Smith is a co-sponsor, emphasizing the unity behind the cause.

Senator Rosen has been at the forefront of creating more opportunities for everyone in STEM fields. Her bipartisan STEM RESTART Act, designed to support mid-career internships for those transitioning into the STEM workforce, and the Rural STEM Education Act, which breaks down barriers for rural students accessing STEM education, are a testament to her dedication. Additionally, her Building Blocks of STEM Act, co-sponsored with Senator Capito to increase girls’ participation in computer science, has been successfully signed into law.

Early Applied STEM

In the spirit of progress and inclusivity, the establishment of National STEM Day on November 8th reflects a resounding commitment to the future of the United States, ensuring that STEM education remains at the heart of our nation’s growth and prosperity. It’s a day to celebrate and inspire the scientists, technologists, engineers, and mathematicians of tomorrow.